Have you met our Friday morning DREAM TEAM? Clare, Nancy & Trish are just a few of our outstanding volunteers who keep our ship sailing so straight. We are *very* grateful to have the help of dedicated & big-hearted volunteers like these wonderful women! However, we are short on help several weekdays & need YOUR help.

Do you have one morning a week (or month) free to help? We need community volunteers, 7AM-10AM(ish), Monday-Friday, to run the soup kitchen. Our morning crew is AMAZING & you’ll love them. Bright, funny, compassionate & hard-working folks of Fairbanks keep our mornings running smoothly & we need a few more people to join our team!.

If you’re interested in helping out at the soup kitchen, drop a line to info@breadlineak.org or call us at 452.1974 during business hours. We’re ALWAYS happy to talk about our programs & connect with our community. Join the Bread Line team today to help feed people & affirm lives in downtown Fairbanks.

Morning Volunteers

(from left) Clare, Nancy & Trish
morning volunteers extraordinaire!