Bread Line

How YOU can help

Last month at the Stone Soup Cafe was another record-breaker, as every one of the past seventeen months have been… however, April was the busiest month the Bread Line has even seen in our 40-year history of feeding Fairbanks. Last year, our soup kitchen gave out 59,581 free meals – an astonishing 25% increase over 2022’s numbers. Already 2024 is topping all previous records. This increase isn’t just happening at the Bread Line. Across Alaska, anti-hunger organizations are serving more people than ever before. We are all struggling to meet an elevated need while facing declining donations.

2023 (red) served 25% more meals than 2022 did… 2024 (black) tops everything before

Right now, the soup kitchen is giving out more food than it is taking in & we need your help to keep up. Specifically, lunch food items are our biggest difficulty to keep on the shelves: bread, meat & cheese, soft granola bars, dried fruit & fruit gummies, chips, sweet treats, bottles of water… anything & everything is needed. You can pick up an extra box of goodies next time you shop & drop it off at the soup kitchen 10AM-2PM Monday-Friday. We also have an Amazon WishList, which is an easy way to send food donations & other items we use daily. You can also support the Bread Line by donating money to this work. Becoming a monthly donor is a strong way to support this anti-hunger work.

To learn more about all the ways you can get involved with the Bread Line, contact us at the office (907) 452-1974 or drop a line to – we’d love to talk to you about how you can help in a way that is meaningful to you.